About the Designer

Karl Rowley
Founder & Graphic Designer
After visiting Palm Springs, California, the ground zero for mid-century modern architecture and designs, I fell in love with the modernism vibe of this wonderful little city. But when I decided to remodel my condo, it was harder than I thought to find mid-mod home accessories with the right vibrant colors and designs that would encompass its charm but still be actual and stylish.
As a senior graphic designer, I wondered if I could create them myself. Searching online, I quickly realized I could offer my take on this timeless style by creating my own patterns and designs and apply them to various blank modern products. And that's how this store was born!
My exclusive design collections are offered solely through the Mid Century Style Shop brand at MidCentury.Style, an online store of Krafix Design, Inc., a California company based in Palm Springs. I hope you find something to spice up your life in a retro & stylish way!
Catch me in Palm Springs scouring vintage and retro shops and markets for new ideas! And of course, for the great weather as well...

The spark for this store was a wall frame do-it-yourself project. I made a video about it. You can watch it here on my YouTube channel.
You can also learn more about the store here or about my graphic design work at Krafix.Design.